Saturday, March 17, 2012

An Irresponsible Government...

The Boston Tea Party was 239 years ago. Quite a long time, no? Well, though the ethical nature of such an act may be questioned, the statement it made was bold and inspirational. Without being thusly destructive, the modern Tea Party stands to make the same statement. We stand against unfair taxes, what many consider theft. But more than that, we stand against an irresponsible government. A government which shamelessly spends the money of future generations. A government which encourages and supports all manner of unethical practices. A government which regulates so strictly that entrepreneurs face immense risk, slowing or halting economic growth. This blog will be about fiscal responsibility, and more. I don't claim to know how to fix all the problems that plague our country, and indeed, our world, but there are possible solutions to these various problems which, I believe, deserve careful consideration - and action.

The American government was created for the people, by the people, of the people. Would you say it is still so? Do you believe our government is working for us? Do you nod proudly and say, "Yup, that's one of us! =D" when you look at bureaucrat who says one thing, then does another?

Some aspects of our government may still be for the people, of the people... but many are not. At least, it is so based on my paradigms, the glasses through which I view the world.

Do you see the old woman or the young woman?

I am a Tea Party Conservative, a Homeschool graduate, a Christian. That is my worldview, the foundation for my paradigms; this blog will be my thoughts and ideas concerning government, economic, social, and ethical issues. Welcome. =)

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