The child is breathing...
The child's heart is beating...
The child has a future and a hope...
There are people who will love the child,
Treasure the child,
Protect the child with their own lives.
Who will the child grow up to be?
Does it matter?
The child is a person! A sacred human life, created in God's image!
And human life is precious.
This is a beautiful little human soul. A person with much to offer the world. A person with a life to live. A person who will know joys and sorrows. A person who will make mistakes and learn from them, a person who will make good choices and touch the lives of others around them. A person who will learn and grow and enjoy this beautiful world we live on! A person who will enjoy beautiful friendships. A person who will create or invent. A person who will... LIVE! Enjoy! Be!
This child will be loved and cared for. There are people who want this child, people who care about human life, people who will fall in love with this baby and raise him or her as their beloved child.
Unfortunately, these people are not the child's parents. The child's parents don't want their precious baby.
More than 4,000 babies share this situation every single day. My brother was in this situation. Not a biological brother, but an adopted brother. It makes no difference, he is my brother. His biological father was nowhere to be found, and his biological mother surrendered her rights at birth. So, he was adopted into my family. Seldom is it even remembered that he is not flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. What does it matter? Legally, emotionally, practically - he became my brother and part of the family.
But he was a rare case. A miracle. Most parents who don't want their unborn children choose to MURDER them. Just to think that if my brother's biological mother had wanted too, she could have murdered MY brother!! I am so grateful that she did not...
But maybe somebody murdered your brother or sister. Maybe someone murdered your adopted brother, sister, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, nephew, niece, cousin, aunt, uncle... maybe someone murdered your best friend, or your future spouse. Maybe someone murdered the child who would grow up to find cures for illnesses we are currently baffled by.
Every human life has infinite VALUE. Why? Because God says so. And it is not hard to understand why He says so. Look at anyone who is dear to you... and imagine... what if they had been murdered? And think of all the loved ones you will now never know, because they are dead. Murdered. MURDERED.
And this murder is legal in the United States. How can we not weep for our country? Weep for the children?
And then do something about it. At the very least, here is the petition to sign. Spread it around! Email it to everyone you know who cares about protecting the innocent and defenseless babies who are being slaughtered daily!
I'm not one who donates to just any cause... but this one here... this isn't about saving animals or sending someone to college or feeding the hungry, etc. etc... sure, those very well may be noble causes - but this, this is different. THIS is about saving human lives. This is about putting an end to legal murder in our country! Please... tell our government that unborn babies are human beings, and thereby protected under the 14th amendment!
We must fight! No one but us can do this. We the people must stand, united, against the murder! We, the people, must stand up to protect the beautiful human souls being murdered daily!! WE MUST PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!
Imagine the scene...
The child is breathing...
The child's heart is beating...
The child has a future and a hope...
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