Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Theft through taxes, and wasteful spending...

We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors, because the sailors are spending their own money. - Ronald Reagan

I stumbled upon this short article I wrote about a year ago. ;) Enjoy!

Taxes, taxes, taxes. The Liberals are always trying to increase taxes. They fail to see how detrimental this is to the economy and wealth of our nation. When taxes are increased with little mercy, the economy can produce such a dramatically lessened amount of wealth that the government actually receives a smaller amount of revenue than otherwise. This has been a problem in America for many years, but never so much as in the last 2 years. In the Election of 2008, when Barrack Obama was elected to office and all three executive branches were given over to the power of the Liberals... much chaos ensued. Now, the increase of taxes is not and has not been the only problem, of course. The government is not saving up all this money it takes out of the paychecks of its workers, oh no, the money is squandered ruthlessly. From pouring cash into an attempt to stimulate the economies of our enemy countries, (because, supposedly, poverty encourages people to become terrorists), to finding a way to neutralize the scent of hog manure, the idiocy of the elected officials in Washington leaves many people shaking their heads in exasperation and shame.

The National debt has reached heights never foreseen, the Liberals have taken a mile with the inch that was given to them. Our Senators, Representatives, and President have spent more money than the people of America are likely to be able to pay off in our lifetimes! Our unborn children and grandchildren have been put into a place of slavery, left with no choice but to work off the debt left to them by their ancestors. And if taxes continue to increase, the wealth of the nation, and the revenue collected by the government, will continue to decrease. We are headed for a future of debt and poverty if our nation continues walking along this path. We are pushing our debt limit and it is in danger of being raised... Will the path of foolhardy spending and shameless theft by taxes continue?

Or will the American people choose to fire these unworthy officials at the voting booth? Will we vote them out of office and replace them with responsible people who will cut taxes, cut spending, and focus on paying off our national debt before it swallows us? Time alone will tell. Much of that which will determine our present economic state and the future of our posterity rests at the voting booth. Please cast your vote wisely. 

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